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from inputs import get_gamepad import wiringpi import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time import os import sys from tabulate import tabulate from adafruit_servokit import ServoKit import board import busio import adafruit_pca9685 i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) hat = adafruit_pca9685.PCA9685(i2c) try: def _map(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max): return (x - in_max) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min drive = 0 strafe = 0 rotate = 0 throttle = 0 yaxis = 0 RRPin = 33 FLPin = 32 OUTPUT = 3 finalRL = int finalRR = int finalFL = int finalFR = int RRpwm = 0 FLpwm = 0 RL_channel = hat.channels[0] RR_channel = hat.channels[1] FL_channel = hat.channels[2] FR_channel = hat.channels[3] #GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) #GPIO.setup(RRPin, GPIO.OUT) #GPIO.setup(FLPin, GPIO.OUT) #RRpwm = GPIO.PWM(RRPin, 350) #FLpwm = GPIO.PWM(FLPin, 350) #RRpwm.start(0) #FLpwm.start(0) #print(hat) hat.frequency = 350 while 1: events = get_gamepad() for event in events: #print(event.ev_type, event.code, event.state) if event.ev_type == 'Absolute': if event.code == 'ABS_X': strafe = _map(event.state, -510, 510, -1, 1)+1 #print("x-axis:" + str(_map(xaxis, -510, 510, 1, -1)-1)) elif event.code == 'ABS_Y': drive = _map(event.state, -510, 510, 1, -1)-1 #print("y-axis:" + str(_map(yaxis, -510, 510, 1, -1)-1)) elif event.code == 'ABS_RZ': rotate = _map(event.state, 0, 255, -1, 1)+2 #print("z-axis:" + str(_map(zaxis, 0, 255, 1, -1)-2)) elif event.code == 'ABS_THROTTLE': throttle = _map(event.state, 0, 255, 3, 0)-3 #print("throttle:" + str(_map(throttle, 0, 255, 1, -1)-2)) frontleft = drive + strafe + rotate rearleft = drive - strafe + rotate frontright = drive - strafe - rotate rearright = drive + strafe - rotate finalThrottlemax = _map(throttle, 0, 3, 0, 65534) + 65534 finalThrottlemin = _map(throttle, 0, 3, 65534,0 ) - 65534 finalFL = _map(frontleft, 3, -3, 49150.5, 16383.5) - 32812 #while finalFL > finalThrottlemax: # finalFL = finalThrottlemax # while finalFL < finalThrottlemin: # finalFL = finalThrottlemin finalRL = _map(rearleft, 3, -3, 49150.5, 16383.5) - 32812 # while finalRL > finalThrottlemax: # finalRL = finalThrottlemax # while finalRL < finalThrottlemin: # finalRL = finalThrottlemin finalFR = _map(frontright, 3, -3, 49150.5, 16383.5) - 32812 # while finalFR > finalThrottlemax: # finalFR = finalThrottlemax # while finalFR < finalThrottlemin: # finalFR = finalThrottlemin finalRR = _map(rearright, 3, -3, 49150.5, 16383.5) - 32812 # while finalRR > finalThrottlemax: # finalRR = finalThrottlemax # while finalRR < finalThrottlemin: # finalRR = finalThrottlemin #RRpwm.ChangeDutyCycle(finalRR) #FLpwm.ChangeDutyCycle(finalFL) RR_channel.duty_cycle = int(finalRR) FL_channel.duty_cycle = int(finalFL) RL_channel.duty_cycle = int(finalRL) FR_channel.duty_cycle = int(finalFR) d = [ ["frontleft",round(finalFL,3)], ["rearleft",round(finalRL,3)], ["frontright",round(finalFR,3)], ["rearright",round(finalRR,3)], ["throttleMax",round(finalThrottlemax,3)], ["throttleMin",round(finalThrottlemin,3)], ["Coded by ","Aaron B ","Table 54"] ] print("==="*10 + "\n" + "\n\r".join('{}: {}'.format(*k) for k in enumerate(d)) + "\n" + "==="*10, end='\r') #print(finalRR) except Exception as Error: print("Error detected, printing") print("====="*7) print(Error) print("====="*7) pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\r\n") RR_channel.duty_cycle = 0 FL_channel.duty_cycle = 0 RL_channel.duty_cycle = 0 FR_channel.duty_cycle = 0 print("abe stinks") time.sleep(0.3) os.system("clear") time.sleep(0.2) print("exitting program") print("coded by Aaron B at table 54") exit()

code: Body
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